I added missing instructions for installation on Manjaro and Arch Linux. These instructions were once present in this file, I don't know why they got removed.
I searched for a while for this missing step so I think everyone should be aware of it, otherwise the installation just doesn't work.
Set ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_COMPLETION_IGNORE to a glob pattern to have the
completion suggestion strategy never make suggestions when the buffer
matches the pattern.
This can be helpful when some completion routines you have are
particularly expensive and you want to prevent them from running
automatically on every keystroke.
See GitHub issue #463.
We are getting errors on circle ci builds (e.g. see [1]):
CircleCI was unable to run the job runner because we were unable to
execute commands in build container.
This typically means that the build container entrypoint or command is
terminating the container prematurely, or interfering with executed
commands. Consider clearing entrypoint/command values and try again.
Folks in this thread [2] suggest removing the `command: /sbin/init` line
initially added by the v1 => v2 migration script.
1: https://circleci.com/gh/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/381
2: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/circleci-was-unable-to-run-the-job-runner/31894/18
We are getting errors on circle ci builds (e.g. see [1]):
CircleCI was unable to run the job runner because we were unable to
execute commands in build container.
This typically means that the build container entrypoint or command is
terminating the container prematurely, or interfering with executed
commands. Consider clearing entrypoint/command values and try again.
Folks in this thread [2] suggest removing the `command: /sbin/init` line
initially added by the v1 => v2 migration script.
1: https://circleci.com/gh/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions/381
2: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/circleci-was-unable-to-run-the-job-runner/31894/18
Set ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HISTORY_IGNORE to a glob pattern to have the history
and match_prev_cmd suggestion strategies never make suggestions matching
that pattern.
For example, set to "cd *" to never suggest any `cd` commands from
history (see issues #340 and #425). Or set to "?(#c50,)" to never
suggest anything 50 characters or longer (see issue #429).
$max_cursor_pos in this case was not the correct value to use. It was
calculated based on the old length of the $BUFFER. After the suggestion
is accepted, we need to recalculate the new max cursor length and use it
to set the $CURSOR.
Fixes issue #452. Follow-up to issue #302 (PR #450).
Typing `d` and then `l` runs `vi-delete` and then `vi-forward-char`. However,
by default, `vi-forward-char` is configured to accept the suggestion. So in
that case, the suggestion was being accepted and the cursor set to the end of
the buffer before the deletion was run.
The reason the user doesn't see the suggestion accepted is that `vi-delete`
doesn't finish until the movement widget is run, so we're already inside of a
`modify` when `accept` is called. `modify` unsets `POSTDISPLAY` before calling
the original widget so when we get to the accept function, `POSTDISPLAY` is
empty and thus accepting the suggestion is a no-op.
The fix is to make sure we reset the cursor to the correct place before running
the original widget.
We skip the test for versions of zsh below 5.0.8 since there was a bug in
earlier versions where deleting the last char did not work.
See http://www.zsh.org/mla/workers/2014/msg01316.html
* Added a note for iTerm2 users under readme/configuration/highlight
* Changed the link to the issue list under troubleshooting so that the
default filters (only open issues) are not applied.
When using async mode, stale background processes will not be cancelled
when a new one starts. This shouldn't cause any real issues since the
processes should eventually finish and be cleaned up anyway, and
removing the handler with `zle -F` means that stale suggestions should
never be shown.