#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Copyleft 2010 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors # http://github.com/nicoulaj/zsh-syntax-highlighting # All wrongs reserved. # Token types styles. # See http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#SEC135 ZLE_RESERVED_WORD_STYLE='fg=yellow,bold' ZLE_ALIAS_STYLE='fg=magenta,bold' ZLE_BUILTIN_STYLE='fg=cyan,bold' ZLE_FUNCTION_STYLE='fg=blue,bold' ZLE_COMMAND_STYLE='fg=green,bold' ZLE_PATH_STYLE='fg=white,underline' ZLE_COMMAND_UNKNOWN_TOKEN_STYLE='fg=red,bold' ZLE_HYPHEN_CLI_OPTION='fg=yellow,bold' ZLE_DOUBLE_HYPHEN_CLI_OPTION='fg=green,bold' ZLE_SINGLE_QUOTED='fg=magenta,bold' ZLE_DOUBLE_QUOTED='fg=red,bold' ZLE_BACK_QUOTED='fg=cyan,bold' ZLE_GLOBING='fg=blue,bold' ZLE_DEFAULT='fg=white,bold' ZLE_TOKENS_FOLLOWED_BY_COMMANDS=('|' '||' ';' '&' '&&' 'sudo' 'start' 'time' 'strace' 'noglob' 'command' 'builtin') _check_path() { [[ -z $arg ]] && return 1 [[ -e $arg ]] && return 0 [[ ! -e ${arg:h} ]] && return 1 [[ ${#BUFFER} == $end_pos && -n $(print $arg*(N)) ]] && return 0 return 1 } # Recolorize the current ZLE buffer. colorize-zle-buffer() { setopt localoptions extendedglob bareglobqual region_highlight=() colorize=true start_pos=0 for arg in ${(z)BUFFER}; do ((start_pos+=${#BUFFER[$start_pos+1,-1]}-${#${BUFFER[$start_pos+1,-1]##[[:space:]]#}})) ((end_pos=$start_pos+${#arg})) if $colorize; then colorize=false res=$(LC_ALL=C builtin type -w $arg 2>/dev/null) case $res in *': reserved') style=$ZLE_RESERVED_WORD_STYLE;; *': alias') style=$ZLE_ALIAS_STYLE;; *': builtin') style=$ZLE_BUILTIN_STYLE;; *': function') style=$ZLE_FUNCTION_STYLE;; *': command') style=$ZLE_COMMAND_STYLE;; *) if _check_path; then style=$ZLE_PATH_STYLE else style=$ZLE_COMMAND_UNKNOWN_TOKEN_STYLE fi ;; esac else case $arg in '--'*) style=$ZLE_DOUBLE_HYPHEN_CLI_OPTION;; '-'*) style=$ZLE_HYPHEN_CLI_OPTION;; "'"*"'") style=$ZLE_SINGLE_QUOTED;; '"'*'"') style=$ZLE_DOUBLE_QUOTED;; '`'*'`') style=$ZLE_BACK_QUOTED;; *"*"*) style=$ZLE_GLOBING;; *) style=$ZLE_DEFAULT _check_path && style=$ZLE_PATH_STYLE ;; esac fi region_highlight+=("$start_pos $end_pos $style") [[ ${${ZLE_TOKENS_FOLLOWED_BY_COMMANDS[(r)${arg//|/\|}]:-}:+yes} = 'yes' ]] && colorize=true start_pos=$end_pos done } # Bind the function to ZLE events. ZLE_COLORED_FUNCTIONS=( self-insert delete-char backward-delete-char kill-word backward-kill-word up-line-or-history down-line-or-history beginning-of-history end-of-history undo redo yank ) for f in $ZLE_COLORED_FUNCTIONS; do eval "$f() { zle .$f && colorize-zle-buffer } ; zle -N $f" done # Expand or complete hack # create an expansion widget which mimics the original "expand-or-complete" (you can see the default setup using "zle -l -L") zle -C orig-expand-or-complete .expand-or-complete _main_complete # use the orig-expand-or-complete inside the colorize function (for some reason, using the ".expand-or-complete" widget doesn't work the same) expand-or-complete() { builtin zle orig-expand-or-complete && colorize-zle-buffer } zle -N expand-or-complete